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tv   Your World With Neil Cavuto  FOX News  May 2, 2013 1:00pm-2:01pm PDT

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1,776 feet. good dow, who is a good dow. see you tonight. all right? >> neil: it's enough to make you sick, and they're running out of drugs fast. actually they're running out of dough fast. your dough. which means the promises of big healthcare law savings, let's just say, stick a syringe in it. >> neil: welcome. i'm neil cavuto. and paddle, stat! anything, everyone to the emergency room fast. because this healthcare law is in sore need of a -- that's a warning of a coming train wreck. >> mac said,less we implement this properly it's going to be a
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train wreck and aagree. >> we're not implementing correctly. >> we have the menu but we don't have any way to get to the menu. >> well, hey. reid says he read through the entire bill. why is he so surprised this is stacking up? he could have talk 0 our dr. manny alvarez who is not surprised. he was telling me, this is not adding up. what do you make of this, doctor? >> i have the bill right here. he wants more money to explain the menu. well, you know what? there's know food on the menu. you have over $800 billion of expenditures plus whatever hidden costs up to this point, and basically now they're telling you that, well, we don't know how it works, hough it's going to be implemented. we really can't see the savings
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so far as how people are going to benefit from this. a study just came out yesterday in new england journal of medicine showing that medicaid expansion in the state of oregon really did not improve healthcare. they looked at cholesterol, blood pressure, diabetes, didn't make any difference, and you had a significant expansion of medicaid in that state. so they want more money and i don't know -- these people are insane. basically this is something that is -- >> neil: you're a medical doctor here. but i will say this. you're right. i mean, i'm certainly -- have no medical expertise. in fact i failed miss errable in buy psychology chemistry so who am i to say. bit did read that thing north with the same expect tiers as you, but i said to myself, self, you cannot cover 30 million more americans and then keep kids on your policy until the aim of 26
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and then cover those with pre-existing conditions and not expect the cost of all of the above to rise and rise dramatically because you're spreading out the risk here. so, that was just my knee- >> read, that it wouldn't add up. clearly couldn't add up. >> i wonder sometimes. i have all due respect in the world for congress and for the senate, but basically, what qualifications do we have in running the health care? he has been in office since the age of 28 and knows how to spend money. that's what he does. he's good at it. doctors on the other hand, hospitals a mr.ors, -- administrators, they've been taking care of people and right from the beginning everybody said, hold on, don't make any quick -- and now they bakery bash basically have a gigantic
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men you -- -- -- if my family were in this business they would take your car and give you an estimate and keeps going higher and higher. that's what happened here, manny. but it's in the shop. and we're all in the shop. and we're paying for the shop. >> we're going nowhere. >> neil: ahead of tomorrow's jobs reports don't be surprised if the healthcare issue creeps in, because to the signs employers are slamming the brakes on spending just to pay for the healthcare in the service sector alone, toteat spend only bet fits shrank. the first time since 2002. what does that tell you? well, this is going to drop further. as these companies and others begin to cut back further. he blames the president's health care -- this isn't just any
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stupid politician. this senator is a doctor, an orthopedic surgeon. i defer to your expertise but even i looked at the numbers and today there was no way. no way. >> this healthcare law us hurting jobs and care and americans' pay checks. at an anchor around the economy. neil: what are they -- for reid to come out -- they're seeing something. what? >> well, they're seeing the complexity of the law and the difficulty implementing it. they're also seeing it's hurting the economy. we have 20 million americans who are out of work. unemployed or underemployed. millions more have given up looking for work and it's because of the impact of the healthcare law. it has to do with how many fulltime workers are with a company, if they have to pay for the benefit. if they have more than 50 they have to pay for this one size fits all health insurance which is very expensive, so businesses
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are not hiringment. they're keeping nurses under 50. and another thing that is happening is that in terms of total number of hours, you're considered a parttime employee if you're under 30 source to the city of long beach california said for or 1600 parttime employees we're going to get your numbers below 30 hours, because if you're above 30, you have to be considered -- >> neil: spillover. by the way, the hours and parttime and what qualifies, that is all spelled out in the bill that all these senators insisted they read, including max bachus, who, when caught on the subject, said, actually, didn't read it by definition. i want your reaction. >> if either of you actually read the healthcare bill? >> i don't think you want me to waste my time to read every single word in the healthcare
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bill. that's statutory language. it takes a real expert to know what it is. we hire experts. they're right here. they work for me. they work for secretary sebelius. >> neil: if those are the experts you're hiring, fire them, and fire yourself. i tell you, senator, when that many people let you down and surprise you with costs you might not have seen coming, the buck has to stop with somebody, but unfortunately it's stopping with taxpayers. >> -- manny talk -- dr. manny talked about the law. 1700 time is is says the secretary will write the rules and regulations. there are 20,000 pages now. it's a red tape tower that is over seven feet tall, and they've missed deadline after deadline. the president says, we've been hitting the deadline. he missed the dadeline the day of his press son for instance. >> neil: if you looked at the law backwards in america, it
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says going to get reamed, going to get reamed. did you had know that? >> i've been saying that on the floor of the senate, before they vote, after they vote, and i continue to go back to the same floor every week, because the sad part this is hurting -- >> neil: set in stone -- >> hurting our economy and our patients. >> neil: i don't mean to make light of this but if something sounds to too good to be true, generally it is. it's like those fad diets you can do anything you want and lose weight. i tried them all. it's not the case. anyway, as the administration continues touting the healthcare law, numbers show four in ten people don't know it is the law so any wonder about the botched rollout, most democrats are worrying about the, i don't know, botched election. what is going to happen here? >> i tell you there are some democrats -- and max bachus isn't the on one about the implementation of this. he is not running for
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re-election but we talked a high level democrat who said, the white house has to step up its game. this is going to be another election where we're talking about obamacare, and if it goes smoothly, if the implementation goes smoothly and the law becomes more popular, democrats can do well. but if it is botched and they have to delay implementation because they're not ready, then the republicans are going to do very well. >> neil: something that people -- they have been warning, and he was crunching the numbers himself and said its is not doable, and the warnings were ignored, and it was said to benefit so many americans and all the goodies were front-loaded and the not so good uses we about backloaded. it's the back load coming now and it's quite a load. >> it was very difficult to get the bill passed.
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>> neil: absolutely. >> the white house made all these claims, going to lower premiums, average family save 2500's didn't. the run rips are relishing this because this what said on video so they'll play those claims they've dithey don't pan our. and democrats are nervous they're not going pan out. they're still helpful the administration can pick up its game and this law will go relatively smoothly, but even president obama at the press conference this week acknowledges there are going to be some bumps. >> neil: bumps is an understatement. but i tell you something, you know when there's a problem, they talk about communication have to recommunicate. no two doctors understand this. i found that across the board. i talk to politicians. no two politicians can accurately describe the ramifications no two health insurance companies; that alone should tell you something, the behemoth disaster. >> the administration has not
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had a hope and change simple, message on health care, and another problem they have is we don't know how this law will play out. the administration doesn't know, and so if -- >> neil: nobody does. >> they make claims and are proven wrong, they're going to come back to haunt them as well. >> neil: a lot of you folks remember when we were in washington covering the debate over this, the passage of this, and every little nook and cranny. we said the numbers didn't add up and you can't provide this amount of benefits to everyone without seeing premiums soaring, which they did, without seeing coverage essentially being cut back, which it was, without seeing companies redefine threadier mission of full or parttime workers which they did. this was all in there we were doing this as little nerds.
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i even look like a nerd. that is all we did be nerdly went through this thing and did the math, and you needed just a cheap calculator to say, no, that doesn't add up. in fact there are not enough digits in this calculator so we would stick like three of them together and, no, didn't add up. but we told you, we're going to be on it. we're not going to forget you. we'll follow this and make sure it's not compounded. >> south of to norder as theelols keep heading north about he has a plan and it depends on mucho dinero from us. and then the mac attack. we should ban immigrants from countries with extremist ties, all help breaks lose. why a form top official says mighty mac is dead right. [ male announcer ] running out of steam? ♪ now you can give yourself a kick in the rear!
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>> neil: i still don't know what the president is going to do about keystone, but while in mexico he is indicating he has an agreement with mexico concerning the development of oil and gas reserves throughout the gulf of mexico. this is an agreement that apparently was cobbled together last year with then-secretary of state hillary clinton. we don't have the volume figures how much energy they expect to get from the region, but obviously it will be meant to take the heat off the administration for whatever dithering critic says it has done with keystone. we shall see. illegal immigration will also be a front and center issue. the president wants mexico to do a better job policing its bother. my next guest says he is wasting his time because illegal border crossings have trimmed. and one in five down there say it is still, still, worth the
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risk and the has toll jump the fence to get here. mark says, get ready for it to keep coming. as our economy stabilizes, certainly better than mexico's, compelling are more mexicans to keep moving north. >> both mexicans leaving now. , the economy is getting better in mexico, but the biggest surge we're seeing in south texas is actually central americans. guatemalans and hondurans, and when you look at honduras, mexico looks like sweden or switzerland. way better. and so the central americans are going through mexico, and this is potentially somewhere the mexicans could help with, is doing a better job at keeping the central americans out from sneaking into their country. >> neil: but they haven't, or thus far they haste. where l they want to or more initiative, that we will help
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pay for ourselves. that always worries me. but how do you think we're going to handle this? >> well, mexico really doesn't have that much incentive to help, not only to keep their own people from crossing, but to keep the central americans from crossing. if they -- the central americans will stay in mexico, then, and the fact is a significant number of central american illegal aliens in mexico in southern mexico, they use got -- guatemalan farm labor because they say working on the farm is a job mexicans won't do so they have to import -- guatemalans to do the labor. >> neil: the 10 or 12 million illegals who are already here, how much is influencing this debate? if i'm trying to get into this country, i want to get here illegally so i can be on that line.
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don't i? isn't there a compelling reason for know try to jump the fence now? because once i'm in, i'm in like flint? >> yeah. absolutely. now the legislation doesn't -- only says people who came before the end of 2011. >> neil: i don't buy that. >> some family members who came before the end of 2012 would also count. but frankly, they're not going to be interviewing most of these people. all going to be based on paper. you by some fake documents, say that you came in, in november of 2011 or something like that, and, yeah, there's a real incentive, it seems to me, to sneak in, even if you don't qualify for this amnesty, the message we're sending is, we're doing another amnesty so come in, keep your head town and try your luck five or ten years down the road. >> neil: very interesting. thank you very much. you see these three? john mccain had very choice words for him but that's not
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creating such a fuss when the senator joined me yesterday. it's what he suggested we should do about students like them that is creating an uproar still today. r investors like you? tdd: 1-800-345-2550 schwab bank was built with tdd: 1-800-345-2550 all the value and convenience investors want. tdd: 1-800-345-2550 like no atm fees, worldwide. tdd: 1-800-345-2550 and no nuisance fees. tdd: 1-800-345-2550 plus deposit checks with mobile deposit, tdd: 1-800-345-2550 and manage your cash and investments tdd: 1-800-345-2550 with schwab's mobile app. tdd: 1-800-3-2550 wder schwab bank has grown to over 70 billion in assets. tdd: 1-800-345-2550 so if you're looking for a bank that's in your corner, tdd: 1-800-345-2550 not just on the corner, tdd: 1-800-345-2550 call, click or visit to start banking with schwab bank today.
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>> neil: i want to pass along something that could be volume cappic in illinois. the imhouse approved a comprehensive pension reform plan. this is a big deal because for the first time the legislation requires employees of the state to contribute 2% or more of their earnings to their pension. in other words, they have to kick in for their pension costs. that is pretty commonsensical in the private world. it is still a bit of an alien concept in the public world but that could be a watershed development. just something in the illinois house and has to make its way through the system there.
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but that could be a very big deal. now look at this. >> these people were from, i understand, kazakhstan. maybe it's part of immigration, overall immigration reform, we should look at the process of who is allowed into this country, under what circumstances, what is their situation and background? particularly from countries that have histories such as dagestan and chechneya where there's been significant influence of radical islamic extremism. >> neil: did john mccain say he was for profiling? wayne simmons says, not so crazy at all. we should have been doing this. explain. >> absolutely. you know that i am a pro profiler. we're talking about national
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security. and we're also talking about, neil, 750 to 800,000 foreign students coming into the country every year, 200,000 of which come from china, another 40,000 from saudi arabia, and, by the way, the latest fbi top most wanted, 30 of 31 are islamic. i didn't do that. i didn't make that up. that is a fact. now, on the national security side, we have to be able to understand who these kids are that are coming from either not friendly countries or con -- countries we have very shaky reaction to so profiling, i'm just adamant about profiling and we need to do it. >> neil: went a little for thor say that if your are filing for visa and you come from a country where these extreme elements
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are, you're pretty much going to have to take a number and wait. >> yeah. and i'm sure the bright congressmen and senators like mccain and these geniuses on capitol will, be able to figure out a way to make this program work, but from the national security side -- >> neil: well, actually more adamant than you. he was right up your alley, saying -- >> i hope so. >> neil: i fine this disadvantageous to extend visas to students from countries where are these extremists. so far from trying to find another solution -- >> no, no, i didn't mean to imply that. i agree in this instance. for one of the few times with what senator mccain is trying to do. i think it's a great idea should have been done years ago. you and i have had that conversation. >> neil: you fear it goes to far. the fear you then start really, really selecting who gets here
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from the countries from country that do the least harm. >> we have the ability, the capability, the technology to screen these people, get a background check on them, and -- today we don't know if they continue their studies, we don't know where they're from, who their affiliations are, what they're up, to, and once they leave school, they're wondering around. they don't say, got to go home. they stay here. >> neil: that's right. they drop out of school, as we found with one office these kazakhstan kid. the word didn't get to the state department in time for the today be cleared through the airport. even after the visa was revoked. >> unfortunately we are always a day late and a dollar short. so i'm 100% in agreement with senator mccain. >> neil: wayne, thank you very much. [explosion] neil northeasterly --
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>> neil: this is how the month of may started in seattle, loud and violent in new york it was not much remember so a may day to remember, and i'm thinking, may has 31 days. and then anger over capitalism that say say has let them down and they're acting up. and similar protests around the world, and charles payne says capitalism didn't make the problem. a lot of you refusing to get off your butts is. >> something like that. that's the pg version. this is -- first of all, it's a pagan ritual, anticapitalism, antiamerican. i don't get as angry necessarily with these kid. they're just like the kids in "occupy wall street." i get anger at the older adults who push them and allow this, sort of nurture this attitude, that somehow as they sit home in their parents' basement, playing on their ipads and tablet,
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that capital limp has let them down and let the world down. this the kind of stuff i'm worried about the younger generation, the marriage rates, the dropout rates. everything about the younger generation. you don't like capitalism? off maylash the hard way the alternatives. >> neil: must be something in the world. a little more violent in some places, seattle got off the edge. it's a familiar scene, governments have to rein it in. folks getting benefits not liking it. >> the craziest aspect is the welfare countries are the ones with the biggest protests, where they go hook, line, and sinker into some sort of hybrid communist, social jimmy. for years, greece, spain, on and off. they have 37% unemployment amongst their kids and get
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gigantic welfare benefits. >> neil: their idea of prosperity -- they're talking about instead of retiring at 52, you have to retire at 54, and france is 49. leveling that aside, this development from illinois where they're going to ask state workers to kick in more for their pension, that could be of that ilk. that, we need you to cough up more. >> going to go down tough for people who work for the government, but we see local governments, state governments, that are in shambles. they let people retire at 50, 45, some police officers, 33 years old. listen, we love the public sector works, but somehow -- not the ones in the post office, but, really, the idea they should have such amazing generous pensions when the rest of us don't, got to stop: >> neil: well, carry on to avoid
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we are patted down. we are packed in. and we are shelling out. and now another fee just went up. you hear about this one? if you're flying front tier, drinkup. the airline is going to charge some fares a buck 99 for soda
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and coffee, and if you didn't book with them you'll be charged a carryon fee. i told you, fly commando. until they start charge fog pals of clothing you're safe. but there are other alternatives. our expert says this is part of the new frontier. >> frontier is doing it to get people to book through their direct site rather than going through another channel they have to pay for. that makes some sense but at it getting to be then points where airlines can't make money unless they charge extra fees. so we have to pay up for what we use or don't fly. and i think the airlines don't care if you do or don't. >> neil: there's no way to escape it. used to be if you had carry on language or sat in coach, you were by and large safe. then they started breaking apart the coach section, whether you
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were on an aisle, had an extra inch of leg room, and whether you had brown hair or blonde hair, italian american -- then you couldn't escape it. enough it's past a joke. >> where we are today is different than 20 years ago. you remember the frequent flyer program? so you fly them rather than fly twa or northwest or braniff. if you get my drift, they're all gone. today, you fly on an airline a lot not to get a frequent flier benefit, you get a union card. if you don't fly enough, you can't get anything but a middle seat. if you don't give them loyalty, you'll get the seat in the middle between two sumo wrestlers. >> neil: i know this is probably a dumb question.
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-- simplify pricing. even if it's a little extra more than you see in traditional advertised prices. this is the real price because we're not going nickel and dime you. does the industry fear that that's too simple, too clear, and then people just jump for the low prices? >> well, if they do they're going to have to rates the base fare, which means i have to start paying probably the same rate as somebody who checked a back. i don't check a bag. >> neil: won't do you any good on frontier. >> if you book on their web site you won't. the other challenge here is in the old days when braniff wend under, they had this dumb bulb idea with one price, and all american airlines had to do is have one fair level that is ten bucks lower and nobody flew
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braniff. so that put the airline under. so we're in that kind of environment where the consumer will go for the cheapest fare and find out later, i've got pay for my bag. okay, i'll pay. so it's anish you can't get around. >> neil: they got you at the airport, you're ready to go, especially a vacation with the kid. why is daddy putting up a stink and now we're taking be bus. >> when did you ever sea an airline say, our service is better than theirs. they don't care. >> neil: vert good point they've don't brag about that. thank you very much. >> their private trumps the public's right to know. refusing release theirs records, but the face of a terror attack is that even legal? angie's list is essential. i automatically go there.
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take control of your retirement today. ♪ ♪ >> these four, all of them, could get the bug, but this school is closing its because the university of massachusetts dartmouth deciding it will not release any record tied to the four students arrested. claiming such information is private. but is it? time to try this with attorneys rebecca and keyshia. what do you think? >> i think the university is doing the correct thing. there's such thing as privacy, and because the students have privacy rights, -- >> neil: didn't they blow that by being participant inside this even after the fact?
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>> the still have to go through the proper procedure because the university could then be sued by the students for the university leaking their private information. >> i understand that there is something we call the family education rights and privacy act, which says prevent for the most part college record being withheld in this instance we're talking about an issue of terrorism. we're talking about an issue where three people have passed away. hundreds injured. this is a bit of a different situation. so, the balance of the public policy versus the privacy of four students to me, public policy -- >> why do they need to know their financial information their grades? i understand if it's relevant to prosecuting them and seeking justice, but if it's a matter, what classes did they take, how much financial aid or their tuition. i don't understand the relevance of it right now. >> well, relevance --
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>> neil: you might find something in there where aid was turned down and might have a gripe. >> how about -- i mean, i'm talking basic -- i have the fbi's complaint we saw yesterday. i commented on it yesterday. i don't know the specifics -- commented on the complaint about it. but what i'm saying is, even in my mind, not knowing the full evidence, did hey good to school? when did they miss classes? what classes did the miss? >> neil: vital information in. >> absolutely. did these young boys conspire, prior to the boston marathon bombings, with the bombing suspects? >> neil: will that come up in the records? >> there's a possibility. when you get facts you need all the facts. >> neil: conditional records -- college records -- we have to drag them out of the dining hall, but there's nothing --
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>> i think with good provision -- police work and the fbi, they can find the information where they are. >> why should -- to me, why should deuniversity of massachusetts should be absolutely getting along, whatever the fbi wants, within reason, this to me is within reason. this are college records. >> neil: the government is going to get this anyway. >> you know what? how about umass, there are people very sick in a hospital, people dead, and we have to worry about are there more things coming? and if they are, maybe this could -- >> i don't think the university is minimizing that. what they're asking for, there has to be a procedure set in place to get the information, because, again, they have to follow -- >> neil: what whoa the procedure day and. >> showing relevance through a subpoena. >> neil: what is time is of the essence?
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>> i don't think not knowing their grades grades and financil information is really that relevant. >> neil: we don't know. >> whoa paid for the college tuition? possibly were they on financial aid? maybe not. maybe it's a link to someone who is funding people. it could indicate motive, could indicate funding of the terrorist group. >> neil: i just made that up. >> come on. i want to know everything about these kids. >> neil: ladies, thank you very much. in the meantime, demanding the immediate deportation unions really looking after here. illegal best interests or their own? [ man ] on december 17, 1903, the wright brothers became the first in flight. [ goodall ] i think the most amazing thing is how like us these chimpanzees are. [ laughing ] [ woman ] can you hear me? and you hear your voice? oh, it's exciting! [ man ] touchdown confirmed. we're safe on mars. [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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hi. [ baby fussing ] ♪
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>> neil: labor of love or laboring for your love. unions taking to the streets, supporting the end of deportation of illegals. who are the really looking to benefit? the illegals or. thes? michelle fields says unions don't care about the plight of immigrants, but they're up to something. what would it be? >> well, neil, if you remember back in 2007, george w. bush pushed for immigration reform and it was the unions that stood in the way of the form. now they're change thug tune because their union membership has gone down so much. in 2012, went down by 400,000. so they see this immigration reform as a way to boost their dwindling numbers. that's what it's about. >> neil: they opposed it at the time because they feared that deeper labor that would follow, and -- cheaper labor would follow, and then pressure's efforts so say you come to this country and you work, doesn't
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mary itself you're part 0 union or not, you're working. the unions are pushing this now by definition sayings we want you hear warnings to stop tee port additions and when you do get a job here, we want you unionized here. they can't be that blunt about it, or are they? >> that's what it is all about. immigration reform would put 11 million people on the path to citizenship. and eventually voting. so that's millions of new voters for the democratic party. and unions are basically an arm of the democratic peter party, so this will build a coalition for parties desperate for new people. >> neil: i've hear this cut both ways when the illegals become legal, and that invariably will be the direction, whether folks like it or not, that's where this is going. the understanding is they're all going to be democratic voters. don't know if that such a
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slam-dunk. i could be naive. >> ment -- hispanics ten to be part of the democratic party and that why unions are working to ensure that immigration reform passes. and what they're saying is they don't want any tee port additions. they want obama had them until the immigration bill passes, so it's crazy they want us to ignore existing laws, usurp congress' authority and ask the executive branch to ignore its responsibilities, to uphold current law. it undermines our entire system. >> neil: bottom line, we have unions in your corner, weakened as they are, that's a big corner the president hays their back
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and they have his. >> can't ignore law because there's a bill in congress that may or may not pass. it doesn't seem likely this is going to pass. rubeover said that the gang of eight bill will not pass the house and not sure it will pass the senate. so to suspend laws and ignore current laws is just not -- it would set a very dangerous precedent. >> neil: michelle fields. good seeing you again. >> thank you. >> neil: every day, someone is coming out of the closet. is anyone focusing on the folks just trying to hang on to their homes? ♪ cash money sorry. i see you have allstate claim free rewards, for every year you don't have a claim, you'll get money off your home insurance policy. put it towards... [ glass shatters ] [ girl ] dad! dad! [ girl screams ] noise canceling headphones? [ nicole ] that's a great idea. [ male announcer ] home insurance that saves you money for not having a claim? that's allstate home insurance with claim free rewards.
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2. >> neil: jason collins is out of the closet all over the media. basketball star still very much a star. brave move, that maybe we have different issues of brave, because with all that is going on these days. i don't know if i would loosely assign that brave term to an athlete coming out those rescue workers who ran into that exploding further ridesser plant that got out well definitely. those emergency workers who dove in to that chaos in boston to save lives clearly. talented and gifted, revealing a sexual preference to the world, hardly. i'm not here to knock jason or gays, like many of you i have gay friends. i believe strongly straight or gay we should all be happy. we should all have some perspective. gays not being ostracized but one thing but
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ostracizing other stories to keep focusing on this story is quite another. all i know is we have still got that nut in north korea with a bomb and i don even know his sexual leanings just that he leans crazy. that other nut in syria, i know his chemical weapons scare me straight. we live in a scary time that demands brave action. coming out of the closet at time so many others have hardly qualifies to me. going in and confronting civilization straight or gay definitely does to me. i have no issue covering gay rights and whether gays themselves are treated equally but i have a very big issue when such stories are covered so disproportionately when we assign nearly hero i can terms for someone who preference but say not a thing about the media assigning such stories clear preference. brave to me isn't so much those gays coming out but families of all stripes trying to make ends meet. brave to me isn't whether you are a rich athlete with little to lose average dry
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just trying to get by. brave to me are not all those pushing these bills. brave to me are all of those just trying to pay their bills. just trying to get by. just trying to be heard and from whom sexual preference isn't the issue. just finding anyone in washington, republican or democrat, to help them with their issues. where is the media calling for them? for the small businessmen who just wants the government off his back or the beleaguered widow wants to know why medical costs keeps going up or the graduate wanting to know how he will ever repay college loans or his family wants to know how they will ever pay for younger sister's college, period. where is their lobby, page one exclusive. frankly i have no idea as to the sexual preference of any of these folks just that they are hurting, folks, and at what they are fighting the good fight every day, folks. kudos to those who come out on their sexuality just don't forget all the every day folks trying to deal
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with the every day, far harcher and for them more pressing realities. dana per perino and grey greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in new york city. and this is the five. >> kimberly: it's been more than seven months since the 9/11 terror attack in benghazi. now asking for help those tracking down those responsible murdering four americans. the agency released pictures of three men caught on camera at the scene. the action comes amid accusations that the obama administration has been intimidating witnesses from telling congress the truth about what happened. jay carney dodged those claims yesterday and the president said he didn't even know about it. there has been kind of


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